Hi, there! My name is Elina and I have been eying RainSisters coats for a few years till I got ready to order one. Well, actually, I ordered two - one for me and one for my daughter. So let me share my story on how I bought RainSisters coat for my daughter and why I love it!
The reasons why your daughter (and you) will love RainSisters Coat
As a mother of toddler, I was tempted yet cautious to buy one of the adorable Rain Sisters coats for girls. These coats are probably one of the cutest wardrobe pieces for kids I have seen in years (especially as part of “Mommy and me” set), however the price and the fact that kids are not very careful with their clothes kept me thinking.
So it took me some time to make a final decision for many reasons. First of all - the price. Also, being a mom of a toddler such aspects as care, comfort, quality and most of all - durability played a big role when thinking about buying these coats. But at the end the cuteness aspect won and I did buy RainSisters coats - one for me and one for my daughter.
Let me share my experience!

Does RainSisters' coat checks all the boxes?
My daughter is 2 years old - quite active toddler who enjoys to explore the world without hesitation. That includes dancing in the rain, jumping in all the puddles she can find on the way home, hugging trees, collecting rocks in her pockets, and sometimes even lying on the ground - grass, sandbox even muddy road. When buying her clothes I do keep in mind that at one point or another she will get them dirty.
When buying clothing for my girl it is important that the item is made from easy washable materials, it is durable, long lasting, sustainable, comfortable, breathable and with universal use. And I guess these factors are relatable to most moms.
Just by looking at Rain sisters coats I was sure - it looks amazing, probably feels amazing, but will it last more than just few walks in the park?
While looking up for information on www.rainsisters.com I quickly understood that girls' coats are mini versions of women coats. Meaning - same fabrics, quality, designs and details. It is waterproof, warm and breathable, and should truly be functional rainwear that is made from membrane fabric which provides comfort during rainy and sunny days. It should also protect from unexpected weather conditions, keep kid warm and maintain normal body temperature, while allowing skin to breath.
So I thought: "It should be perfect for my girl, right?" and bought the 'Yellow Sun' coat right away.

First impressions and overall functionalities
When I got the coat I was truly taken aback how soft and pleasant is the outer material. As I don't have to beg my daughter to get ready for walk or kindergarten when I offer her to wear RainSisters coat, I can only assume that she feels perfectly comfortable in it. Almost unbelievable but my 2-years-old toddler already has strong feelings about what she likes to wear. So I must take it into account. And I can say, that RainSisters coat currently are one of her favourite garments.
My girl likes to wear her coat on almost any given day, even if it's sunny, but not hot. (Approximately from 5 Degrees to 15 Degrees Celsius is perfect for wearing this coat in my opinion).
What I personally love about this coat - it has snap buttons and high neck, so I don't need to worry if she is not in the mood for scarf - I simply button up all collar buttons and she is good to go.
The size we got for the coat (98-104) will be good for her at least for 2 more years. She is currently 92, but coat doesn't look too large on her, except sleeves which I roll up a bit. Still there is plenty of space to grow in.
Last but not least - as my daughter have been continuously putting her coat to a test each and every day she wears it - what happens after a walk when the coat gets dirty?
Surprisingly - it is really easy to clean it!
I bought probably the most impractical colour of all available - YELLOW SUN (though, it is so bright that your child will be easily visible in the crowd or by the passing cars). If you wanna be smarter - I suggest you buy purple or red as they are darker. I recommend the ones with flower patterns too. Mud stains won’t be so obvious on them. However once dirty I do pre-wash by hands for 5 minutes and then throw it in washing machine. Comes out as new! So far I have washed it this way more than 5 times and there are no signs of dirtier spots on it.
So as my girl keeps putting this coat to the test almost every day, I still can say - its not just cute, its highly functioning piece of clothing for children. And I won’t be surprised at all if it will last up to 3 years and eventually I may pass it to my friends’ younger children as well.

Eventually I bought Yellow Sun coat for myself too and now we have matching Mommy and me set. We are getting complimented like never before and it truly makes brighter each and every day we wear them.
RainSisters Comment
If you too are tempted to order RainSisters' girl raincoat, use code FLOWERGIRL at the checkout and receive 10% off! You will also get 10% off ordering any 'Mommy and Me' set - in this case you don't have to use any codes.
If you already have any RainSisters women or girl design raincoats, you are more than welcome to share your thoughts! Write down your experience and send it to info@rainsisters.com together with few photos of you wearing your coat in high quality. We will be happy to share your story as well as to award you with a small gift from our side!